Fibonacci Betting System

The Fibonacci betting system is considered one of the most aggressive betting systems since it requires players to increase their stakes at a more rapid pace. Less experienced casino enthusiasts may face some problems with following the Fibonacci betting method as it is a bit more complex when compared to some of the betting systems we have covered so far because of the calculations they will be required to make.

The system is based on and derives its name from the famous sequence of numbers, which gained popularity in Europe after the Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, also known as Fibonacci, introduced his book Liber Abaci. Similarly to the Martingale betting method, the Fibonacci system is based on a negative betting progression and requires players to increase the size of their bets after each loss and decrease it after a winning wager.

Roulette is not the only casino game in which the Fibonacci betting method can be incorporated as gambling enthusiasts can resort to it also while betting on craps, and more specifically when they go for pass and don’t pass bets. Yet, it is possible to run the betting system through its paces also when playing baccarat, blackjack, or when wagering on sports.

How Does the Fibonacci System Work

The numerical sequence of Fibonacci starts with 1, and each number that follows is equal to the sum of the two numbers that precede it. What is important to note is that the original Fibonacci sequence starts with a zero, but this value is ignored when the system is used for gambling purposes.

From this, it follows that the first fifteen numbers in the sequence run as follows – 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144-233-377-610. This sequence is often referred to as “Nature’s numbering system” because it practically appears everywhere in nature, from the arrangement of leaves in flowers to the bracts of a pinecone.

But how is the sequence applied to the game of roulette? Each of the numbers listed above represents the size of the stakes gambling aficionados will need to stick to as they play. On that note, it is worth mentioning that the Fibonacci system should be applied to even-money bets in roulette, such as Red/Black, Odd/Even, and High/Low, which is not necessarily the case with the other roulette betting methods.

In spite of the fact that the Fibonacci betting method can be implemented also when making inside bets, this is not advisable because your betting session is most likely to go sideways.

As you might already know, the chances of winning when you lay any of the outside bets that pay even money are 47.35% when double-zero roulette variants are concerned, and 48.64% if the chosen roulette variant has a single zero pocket.

The reason why casino aficionados should avoid applying the Fibonacci betting system to inside bets, especially the Straight-up one, is that they are inherently riskier. Since the chances of winning with such bets are much smaller, this will mean that players will need to move forward the betting sequence faster, which implies risking a much substantial portion of their funds.

If they are enthusiastic about giving the betting method a shot, the first thing players need to do is decide on the size of their base betting unit depending on how big their bankrolls are. Typically, the size of the betting unit is recommended to range between 2% and 5% of the overall bankroll. Having said that, if they prefer, risk-avoiding roulette lovers can settle on a base bet unit that does not exceed 1% of the funds that are intended for their betting session.

The first bet in your betting cycle should be equal to one unit. This means that if you have a bankroll of £500, your first bet should amount to no more than £10 or 2% of the overall sum. If your first two bets of £10 are losing ones, you move to the next number in the sequence or 2, meaning that your next wager will be £20 or two betting units.

It is important to note that you will be required to work your way through the betting sequence each time your wager is resolved as losing one. What this means is that if you lose again, this time, the amount you will be required to stake will be £30, and so on.

If a win occurs, players are expected to go back by two numbers in the sequence. So, if a player wins after staking 8 betting units, this would mean that their next wager will amount to 3 betting units. If you win with a wager of 21 units, you go back to number 8 in the sequence, and so on.

You proceed this way after each winning bet until you eventually turn a profit for this betting cycle, in which case, you need to go back at the very beginning of the sequence and wager one unit. Then again, if the very first bet is a winning one, you simply start the sequence from the beginning.

Something roulette lovers should be mindful of is that they will turn a profit, given that the first stake they place is a winning one. In the event that casino enthusiasts make an accurate prediction about the second and third winning numbers, this will mean that they will reach a breakeven point. On the occasion that the next wagers you place are losing ones, you will notice how the staked amount increases rapidly as you will be required to go further through the number sequence.

As you can see, the rules you need to abide by if you decide to implement the Fibonacci betting system are not that intricate, but what might be a bit intimidating at first is remembering the succession of the numbers that make up the sequence.

Another reason why many roulette lovers prefer not to employ the Fibonacci betting system is that they struggle to pay close attention to the wins and the losses they have seen throughout the course of the individual cycles of the betting method. As mentioned above, this is one of the details casino enthusiasts need to monitor closely because otherwise, they will be unable to determine when exactly they will be required to bring the betting sequence back to square one.

Fortunately, if you are more enthusiastic about playing roulette over the Internet, you will not need to deal with this problem due to the fact that you will have enough time to write everything down. As it seems, some roulette fans prefer using a spreadsheet for the simple reason that it greatly facilitates the usage of the Fibonacci betting method, and renders it nearly impossible to make a mistake with the calculations.

The idea behind the Fibonacci betting system is that it might help players to turn a profit even if they experience several losses in a row. While making use of the betting method, players can balance out their losses with fewer winning bets, which comes to explain why players are intrigued by it.

However, it would be a great idea to set a loss limit for yourself, just in case, since a lengthy losing streak might completely deplete your bankroll, causing you to leave the roulette table empty-handed. For instance, you can decide to stop at number 21 in the sequence. It is not recommended to continue increasing the stakes after the sixth or the seventh number in the sequence in order to make sure that the risk you will need to take will not escalate that much.

The Fibonacci System
Spin Sequence Bet (units) Outcome Total Profit
1 1 1 LOSS -1
2 1-1 1 LOSS -2
3 1-1-2 2 LOSS -4
3 1-1-2-3 3 LOSS -7
4 1-1-2-3-5 5 LOSS -12
5 1-1-2-3-5-8 8 WIN -4
6 1-1-2-3 3 LOSS -7
7 1-1-2-3-5 5 LOSS -12
8 1-1-2-3-5-8 8 WIN -4
9 1-1-2-3 3 WIN -1
10 1-1-2 2 LOSS -3
11 1-1-2-3 3 LOSS -6
12 1-1-2-3-5 5 WIN -1
13 1-1-2 2 WIN 1

The Reverse Fibonacci

Like most betting systems that are based on negative betting progressions, the Fibonacci system, too, has its positive progression counterpart, known as the Reverse Fibonacci. Players, who decide to adopt the reverse variation of the system, are expected to follow the same sequence of numbers.

Thus, if you win a bet, you move to the next number in the sequence and increase the size of your next wager. Should you lose, you are expected to go two numbers back in the sequence, which in practice means that you need to reduce your next wager. However, many experienced roulette players frown upon one major fault of the Reverse Fibonacci system. In order to turn a profit with this variation, players are expected to have significantly more winning bets than losing ones. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that this will happen in the course of one betting cycle.

As was the case with the original version of the betting method, players are recommended to apply the Reverse Fibonacci betting system to outside roulette wagers that pay 1:1.

If we assume that the base bet unit you have decided on is £10, and you think that the white ball will land in one of the red pockets, a correct prediction will mean that the amount you need to put on your next wager should be £20. Another wager that is resolved as a winning one will mean that the amount gambling aficionados will be required to put on a stake should be £30, and so on.

Yet, if you have staked 8 betting units and you have lost, what you need to do is to move two numbers back in the Fibonacci sequence. Therefore, the amount you will be required to put on the line will be equal to three betting units, or in our case £30. If you fail to predict correctly the next winning number, the staked amount should be £10. If another loss occurs at this point, this will mean that the number sequence is completed, and if you wish, you will be required to start all over.

Since the Reverse Fibonacci betting method dictates augmenting the staked amount after a win, this means that players will be seeking to garner more funds so that they could compensate for their losses and get a profit.

As with the other roulette betting methods, gambling aficionados should know when exactly they need to pull out of following the sequence and employ it all over again.

As we explained already, with the Reverse Fibonacci betting method, players will need to put on a stake an amount that is determined by the previous two numbers from the sequence whenever they score a win. The Reverse Martingale is much more aggressive since roulette mavens will be required to place stakes that are twice as big as the amount they have previously wagered.

Furthermore, while using the Reverse Fibonacci betting system, casino enthusiasts are not advised to move forward the betting sequence if they have already seen five consecutive wins. In spite of the fact that scoring six wins in a row is not improbable, the chances of this scenario to come about will be exceptionally slim.

The Reverse Fibonacci System
Spin Sequence Bet (units) Outcome Total Profit
1 1 1 WIN 1
2 1-1 1 WIN 2
3 1-1-2 2 WIN 4
3 1-1-2-3 3 LOSS 1
4 1-1 1 LOSS 0
5 1 1 WIN 1
6 1-1 1 WIN 2
7 1-1-2 2 WIN 4
8 1-1-2-3 3 WIN 7
9 1-1-2-3-5 5 WIN 12
10 1-1-2-3-5-8 8 WIN 20
11 1-1-2-3-5-8-13 13 WIN 33
12 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21 21 WIN 54
13 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34 34 LOSS 20

Advantages of the Fibonacci Betting System

Though more complex, the Fibonacci system may be easier to follow if players memorise the first fifteen numbers in the sequence. Those who decide to play roulette from the comfort of their homes can simply write down the sequence on a piece of paper in order to save themselves the hassle of making all the needed calculations in their minds. In addition to this, utilising the Fibonacci system will enable players to generate consistent profits over a short-term period, which is a major plus that should not be neglected.

Another strong point of this betting method is that thanks to it, gambling enthusiasts will have a clear idea of how to adjust their stakes when they win or lose. Unless they do not decide to abandon the usage of the betting method, roulette lovers will not end up with a drained bankroll because they have attempted to recoup the funds they have lost.

The Fibonacci betting system can work equally well for all roulette lovers, regardless of their bankroll, but the same is not true about some of the other betting methods. In the event that playing risky is not your scene, you simply need to settle on a smaller base bet unit, which will mean that your stakes will not soar even when you experience several losses in a row.

One of the best things about this betting method is that even if gambling aficionados have made more inaccurate predictions in terms of the winning numbers, they will not be prevented from getting some profit.

One more benefit of the Fibonacci betting system is that at least initially, it is not that aggressive as some other roulette betting methods. Instead of doubling up the staked amount from the very moment they decide to implement the betting method, gambling enthusiasts will go through a couple of spins of the roulette wheel during which their stakes will be at the lower end of the spectrum until the staked amount snowballs if they lose several times.

Disadvantages of the Fibonacci Betting System

Like all betting systems, the Fibonacci system has several disadvantages players need to consider prior to implementing it at the roulette table and risking their money. First of all, some experienced players avoid the system because the betting progression tends to get a bit steep and aggressive over time.

In spite of the fact that the numbers will not increase that sharply at the beginning of the sequence, players should be mindful that they will quickly escalate when they move forward in the sequence, which incurs when their wagers are losing ones.

If you happen to experience a lengthier losing streak, you might end up dwindling down your bankroll or worse, exhausting it completely, in which case you will not be able to attempt to get the profit you are after or recoup your losses. Speaking of bankrolls, it is important to mention that the Fibonacci betting system is not quite suitable for players with smaller bankrolls.

Then again, a longer losing streak might result in players reaching the table limit, in which case they will be unable to offset the losses they have sustained by increasing the size of their bets in accordance with the Fibonacci sequence.

If this happens, however, this will mean that all your efforts have gone vain and you have simply thrown your money to the winds due to the fact that you have not managed to reach the point at which you have put enough bet units on a stake so as to make up for your losses.

Another disadvantage of the system is that the math tends to get more complicated with higher numbers on losing streaks. However, this issue can be easily solved by writing down the sequence of numbers on a piece of paper. Also, players should not forget that like other systems, the Fibonacci system cannot reduce the house edge or affect the outcome of subsequent spins, which in practice means that taking advantage of the betting method will be of little use if you are looking for a way to beat the game.

As it seems, it is a common misconception among players that implementing the Fibonacci betting system or another betting method will help them lessen the casino edge. This cannot be further from the truth because players should not overlook the impact of the zero and double-zero pockets invariably have.

Does the Fibonacci Betting System Actually Work

Roulette players might be comfortable with the results the usage of the Fibonacci betting system delivers, on the occasion that they are looking to receive smaller wins over the short term. Sometimes, it can bring players better rewards over an extended period of time, provided that they succeed in circumventing long-drawn-out losing streaks.

With that in mind, the Fibonacci betting system is in no way superior to the other betting methods that can be applied to the game of roulette. Whether you will increase or lessen the staked amount will not help you change the odds of winning in your favour, eliminate, or lessen the advantage the casino invariably has.

As we mentioned already, another flaw of the Fibonacci betting method is that players’ stakes might escalate at an exceptionally fast pace, which will either leave them without any funds or will make it inevitable to hit the ceiling on bets.

In spite of the fact that applying the Fibonacci betting system will not guarantee that you will win all the while, we do not wish to throw cold water on players who are enthusiastic about giving it a shot. The reason why roulette mavens should not completely ignore the betting method is that it can help them structure their betting session, which is a benefit they might appreciate if they are inclined to make rushed decisions.

Just bear in mind that sometimes, taking advantage of the betting system can be destructive, which is the reason why you need to proceed with caution while using it.